30 June 2010

Remembering myself

P.D. Ouspensky says to self remember
What do I have to remember
If it is not what I think I remember

I had a moment, a bit ago
And wondered where it came from
And I think I glimpsed the source

My consciousness has had many journeys
It's knowledge of great things is vast
My life here is the continuation of that journey

My consciousness is fulfilling its destiny
A body and mind fulfilling their needs
A soul bound to cosmic law

Bound to earth this life
She has her own rules
I live right by living by her

She provides the soil
For the consciousness to grow
In the shining face of the good light

Remember yourself
And your consciousness
Will remember to grow

Turn our souls to the light
Feel our feet in the pure soil
And we will remember what we know

Remembering this is like
Trying to find something
Hidden behind the sun

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