26 July 2010

Consciousness Corrupted at the Gate

The problem arises when we, as conscious beings, interact with each other. It is then that friction between our different consciousnesses causes discord and disharmony.

The centers in our brains that interpret the incoming stimuli are not always of like quality and capability our brains like our bodies are the same yet different in subtle ways. Yet I believe consciousness at its root is the same for all of us for it is what flows from the same well spring of the universe.

Stimulus to the consciousness can run between soft and harsh and everywhere in between. If it were not for the primal capacity for emotion we would be able to channel stimulus to the same end but we allow our objective interpretation of stimulus to altered by uncontrolled emotions, a function that takes place in our egos. We accentuate, mitigate, abrogate or derogate, along with a host of other gates the stimulus must pass through, as it is reformulated based on mechanical priorities ingrained in our minds by previously corrupted consciousnesses. It emerges molded into a unique reality that we feel we must adhere to with a rigid subjectivity. A subjectivity the ego clings to falsely believing it is preservation.

Accord and harmony can only be achieved when stimulus is channeled through the proper gates under the proper priorities. Understanding the proper gates and priorities is also something that also seems to be hidden behind the sun.

13 July 2010

My Consciousness

            I sense my consciousness more deeply than any other sense I possess.  It is more apparent to me than my body.  It is distinct in it own right.  Jes suis unique.  This is how I think it works.
            Light rays from the heavens, mainly the sun, strike the face of the earth towards the sun.  These rays reflect and bounce around wildly until they hit my eye. There they are processed, like raw data. My brain, in one of it distinct centers, converts that to an image according to the data the light ray accumulated along the way and my brain then interprets that converted data to a meaningful concept than follows the story unfolding from one moment to the next. It is like river of time always flowing to the future. Things vibrate and they too are interpreted, as it is the same with smells, being touched, feeling an energy.  I am a receiver. I capture the experience of being in my consciousness.  It is recorded I know where not. I know this because it comes back to me as a memory, imperfect in ways but more valuable in others.
            The beauty of being in this body is the mobility of it, it durability, flexibility and reliability and a rather sporty design if I might say.  I can travel to all kinds of places draw in vastly different kinds of stimulus through my senses and store them in my consciousness.  To what purpose is this powerful machine of flesh and bones gifted with this power to store the experience being in a consciousness that seems infinity in its capacity.  Or is it merely to outwit my predators or my prey and to mate as I take one breath to the next?  If one understands that this store is valuable at the next level of being we may then look at being in a new light so we may maximize the quality of being in this reality.  If the quality of being in this conscious reality is not of value then it may have been brought forward from a previous conscious reality.
            I am human.  This is my present reality.  I am afforded this human body’s capabilities provided by its functions to survive on this planet amongst a vast number of various forms of beings, human and non human, doing the same thing.  This is the commonality of all living things.  Each is given the right to be for as long as they are capable, including me.  Some do it alone, some do it in groups and become a whole with many parts, as humans do.  It provides a better chance for survival. It gives us control of the necessities of surviving the elements that are present on this world.  Life is a struggle for all beings.  Yet we are charged with the duty of experiencing that being according to the capabilities of the nature of our being, mine being human, and a whale’s being a whale and a desert flower’s being a desert flower. Being will be when and where it can be, but not, where it can not be though being can be everywhere, it depends on the form of being.  There is a driving force that motivates us to survive these places and to experience the level of consciousness we are capable of in order to flow harmoniously along the river of time.  We call it our will, our will to be. That is why we resist death. We are destined to wring every ounce being into our consciousness that we possibly can.

30 June 2010

Remembering myself

P.D. Ouspensky says to self remember
What do I have to remember
If it is not what I think I remember

I had a moment, a bit ago
And wondered where it came from
And I think I glimpsed the source

My consciousness has had many journeys
It's knowledge of great things is vast
My life here is the continuation of that journey

My consciousness is fulfilling its destiny
A body and mind fulfilling their needs
A soul bound to cosmic law

Bound to earth this life
She has her own rules
I live right by living by her

She provides the soil
For the consciousness to grow
In the shining face of the good light

Remember yourself
And your consciousness
Will remember to grow

Turn our souls to the light
Feel our feet in the pure soil
And we will remember what we know

Remembering this is like
Trying to find something
Hidden behind the sun

22 June 2010

Overtaken by Darkness

Why must we carry the darkness so long?

Awakening to the Possibillities

That our being is made up of many levels of consciousness
and these levels are made up of many layers
and we shift through these layers as they shift
through the river of life and time
always changing from moment to moment.

09 June 2010

The Way of Light

The power of light
pierces the darkness
and always finds it's way
to me

06 June 2010

Enmeshed, from the inside looking out

Enmeshed in the neural net
Consumed in the fractal
I struggle to keep
  my soul in the actual

The Pattern

The pattern changes 
yet stays the same
confusing the symbols
true game

13 March 2010

Philosophy 4:01 AM

Floating between the extemes
looking for the
balance of harmony

23 February 2010

The Window

An open window.
If not a hole
An invitation
To freedom
Of a thought
or a soul

Illusional Light

20 February 2010

The Doorway

for that door again
The scary one
from way back when

Expanded Search Patterns

Like a great starving beast
My body is quivering
On the Scent



All this time
The sun never says to the earth
"You owe me"

What happens
With a love like that
It lights the whole


Hafiz poems from translations by Daniel Ladinsky, The Gift


Is it easy to find something when everything else has been removed? When it is only your consciousness and emptiness. What is there to find?

One Winter Night

08 May 2009


The light of dawn will show itself, in time
I merely wait in the darkest of the darkness
for the dawn will tell me where the sun will rise
I will turn to catch the warming rays, full sail
And abandon the darkness, in time

22 February 2009


Along the Path

The lantern
sat, ready
to hold back
the darkness

Water thoughts

I like to watch water. To see how it flows and knows where to go. It doesn't care where it goes. It will go where it can and won't where it can't. It will take what is given to it and will carry away continents. It flows from the highest to the lowest. It nourishes from the highest to the lowest. It is a mirror.